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Es werden Posts vom Januar, 2018 angezeigt.

Malta - the golden island (or: A story about a restaurant-dilemma, the orient express and T-shirts in January)

When it comes to Malta, I had no idea what to expect before I started my 5 days-trip. Malta seems to be wrongly underestimated, not so well known as for example its Italian neighbor island Sicily. All I knew was that Valletta, Maltas capital city, is the European capital of culture in 2018. Can’t be too bad then, right? And in fact it wasn’t! Malta is truly amazing and deserves to be visited!! I'd like to share my experiences with you... Day 1 – Merhba, Valletta! My flight from Zurich was in the late afternoon, so I arrived in Malta’s capital city Valletta at around 8 p.m. It was already dark, but I found the bus terminal and took the local bus. It was a very old, shaky bus and I was the only women with around 10 old men , which made the Situation a bit strange. I didn’t understand the language they were talking – it sounded to me like a funny mix of Italian and Arabic. As I learned later, this language is called Malti and it’s the official language here together w...